lördag 18 juli 2009

Leaving for Tibet along road G214

Plans and routes have changed a few times this trip, but now it SEEMS set to ride along road G214 from Xining to Lijiang.

We are leaving soon for a short first day. WE, that is a strange group of 4: an american who has ridden all across China, a chinese from Shanghai, a tibetan who has never ridden long before, and myself. It will be interesting!

As for the Tibet situation, things look good as the american, Haqi, was one of the torchbearers in the olympic relay and he has good connections.

2 kommentarer:

Å sa...

Tibet nästa! Glad! Ibland löser sig saker bara, helt oplanerat....inte alltid på det sätt man tänkt sig! Intressant grupp som säker kommer lära dig en massa intressanta saker.....haha.....inte precis det du tänkt dig! Good luck med cykling, sällskap och VÄDER!

Huskatt sa...

Bra kontakter är alltid bra att ha!