måndag 28 december 2009

A good nights sleep

After seeing most of the impressive and the most impressive temples and ruins in Bagan, I felt ready to leave this very special place.

My plan was to get the ferry a bit along the river and than start riding from there. Instead I decided to ride to the next ferry crossing 20 or so km north since the last ferry had already left. On my way out I went to see the monks where I had been before to say thanks and goodbye...

We ended up talking about meditation and soon they figured it would betoo dark to ride the bicycle so they invited me to stay over in their little ruin monastery... a unique chance that I took of course. Luckily I had some fruits and cookies with me as the monks don't eat
after lunch.

Sleeping the 800 year old ruin in a bed provided by the monks was a delight comparable with staying at a luxury hotel: it was cool, dark and out the door was a moon-lit pagoda... only the 5 o'clock wake up service was a bit early, but then again it got me off on an early day in the cool morning and in time to make it to the ferry north of Bagan to the city of Pokakku.

I am now riding north along the Irriwaddy river, west of Mandalay. After a good lunch I will continue towards mandalay. I will arrive there early tomorrow. From there I will make new plans.

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